Business Tips: Photography tips for small business marketing

Business Tips: Photography tips for small business marketing

July 27, 2024
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This week, we share some photography tips for small business marketing. Whether it’s images for your own website or snapshots for social media content, the quality of your photography can often make the difference between an abandoned cart and a sale. If you’re a start-up trying to get noticed — or even an established SME looking to stand out from the competition — the way that you present your products visually can have a huge impact on your sales. 

But if you don’t have the budget to hire a professional photographer, it can be difficult to compete. Fortunately, there are some simple tips and tricks that you can use to create impressive visuals without spending a small fortune. We share some photography tips and tricks to use when marketing your small business.

Don’t forget with a GoSolo Business Account you get access to discounts with tools like Canva to help edit your pictures.


Use the best photography equipment you can – including smartphones

Photography tips for small business marketing don’t mean spending huge budgets, but, you’ll want to make sure you’ve got the best kit that you can afford. Traditionally, this would have meant splashing out on an expensive DSLR camera for all your product photography. But now, most businesses can probably get away with using a high-quality smartphone camera. Generally speaking, the higher the spec of your camera the better, but ideally you’ll want a handset that delivers 10 megapixels or more for professional pics. 


Set the stage for your images

Once you’ve got your equipment, it’s time to think about setting the stage. For product photography, it’s important to make the most of natural light. Ideally, you should avoid using your flash and instead shoot outdoors or in a studio with plenty of windows. If you do need to illuminate your scene artificially, consider investing in a lightbox: an artificial structure that will help distribute light evenly around your shot.


Next, you’ll want to consider how best to display your product. Small, fiddly items such as jewellery are often best presented on busts or attached to pieces of card via glue and tape. Meanwhile, mannequins will probably be needed for any clothing or accessory shots. If you’re dealing with a large, freestanding item then a plain backdrop will probably suffice, although it’s worth experimenting with different options to see what works best.


When you’re ready to start shooting, make sure you use a tripod to stabilize your camera or smartphone while taking your shots — freehand photos typically result in blurry, unprofessional-looking images. And take far more snaps than you think you will need, trying out different angles, distances, and positions. In the end, it’s much better to have a large bank of images to choose from when selecting the best photographs for your site.


The benefits of post-production knowledge

Finally, don’t be afraid of post-production. Although image editing is a complex skill — and it takes a long time to master programs such as PhotoShop — you can learn a few tricks of the trade in surprisingly little time. Opt for free or open-source software, and teach yourself the basics. You’ll be surprised by just how much difference you can make to your images with a relatively small amount of effort! 

Want to know more about how to DIY your way to a successful SME? A GoSolo Business Account is a great way to manage all your income and outgoings in one place, making managing your business a breeze.


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July 27, 2024
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By GoSolo Better Business Account