A lesson on entrepreneurship with Dima Pimakhov, CEO of GoSolo

A lesson on entrepreneurship with Dima Pimakhov, CEO of GoSolo

July 27, 2024
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In our latest GrowSolo interview we get a lesson on entrepreneurship from GoSolo Founder Dima Pimakhov. A serial entrepreneur, we chat about his journey to create the business and what it takes to go solo.

Through this series of interviews, we shine a light on the vast array of solo workers in the UK. We find out everything from how they operate to how they are looking to grow, and everything in between. 


Tell us about your journey to set up GoSolo.

Before setting up GoSolo, I was a Banking Technologies Director in Ukraine. This experience and expertise helped plant the seed for a business money solution that led to GoSolo. I moved to the UK with my family in 2017 and founded Metryus – a software development and consulting company for Digital Banking and Fintech, which was the next step that led to the birth of GoSolo.

The vision for the company began as a one-stop shop, providing support for new entrepreneurs and people entering into solo business ventures. I aimed to be a non-intrusive business support service that enabled entrepreneurs, helping to make their dreams come to life. 

In creating GoSolo, a lot of things happened by chance. It developed through trial and error. As with most ideas, nothing happens overnight. Everything that I have worked on has led to founding GoSolo. The time spent working for my father who set up one of the first serious IT companies in Ukraine as the starting point for this journey. He advised and facilitated the growth of start-up businesses using technology and this impacted the trajectory of my life and career, leading to the evolution of GoSolo.


What challenges have you faced?

Since launching GoSolo in 2021 we have faced many challenges, as is expected in start-up ventures. One of the greatest difficulties encountered when setting up the company was navigating the team working remotely. We are based across the world, and while that can have many benefits, you don’t get those micro-expressions about how people feel when you are working over Zoom. I feel more productive and confident when working with employees in person but have had to adapt to respond to the development of business these days. I’m young, but I’m old school! It’s a new reality, and I just have to adapt to it.

Running a start-up can be a lonely experience. I’ve experienced solitude when creating GoSolo. As a Founder, your emotions are always up and down, and you need to deal with that on your own. But, as well as working remotely, I am learning to manage and cope with the isolating aspects of the role, but it is still an emotional rollercoaster – which other Founders I’m sure can attest to! 


Who is GoSolo’s target audience?

The target audience of GoSolo is ambitious individuals who are stepping out of the corporate world. Turning “one day” into day one, GoSolo simplifies setting up and running a company by offering entrepreneurial guidance and tools. 

We offer a comprehensive experience by combining entrepreneurial elements into one bundle. GoSolo is multi-service, helping individuals in every aspect of business – from sending invoices, to forming, and supporting with, the running of their company.


Support for Ukraine

As a Ukrainian, it’s important for me to think about this. Ukrainians come together in times of struggle, and we as a team are showing our support by donating about £30K so far towards equipment and supplies.  

If you are Ukrainian and you are not fighting, you support those who are.


What does the future hold for GoSolo?

GoSolo is continuously evolving as a business. The banking and non-banking services are expanding, and the company is starting to function on a global basis. 

We want our customers to succeed so looking at the bigger picture, ultimately, we want to help grow businesses in every area.

You can find Dima on LinkedIn (@Dima Pimakhov) and learn more about GoSolo in our About section.

July 27, 2024
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By GoSolo Better Business Account