GoSolo Story

GoSolo Story

July 27, 2024
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This is a story about GoSolo, we are a new kind of digital banking toolkit for startups.



There is an army of you who want to start your own business, but historically very few actually do it. (20+Million vs <770K or 64% vs 4%). Why? — Many reasons, including lack of knowledge, confidence and financial concerns. We want more of you to succeed in your ambition.

Banks, old and new, are uniquely positioned at the epicentre and inception point of most businesses but are not helping. They are expecting you to know everything, and are happy to sell you limited tools without instructions.



At GoSolo we want to provide the answer to this problem – we are the only banking toolkit that will help, guide and assist your business in multiple ways, making it easier to start and operate. GoSolo sees banking as an enabler of success, rather than a ‘necessary evil’.

We at the GoSolo team have thought through the whole process of starting and running a business. We have a product to help you to PLAN→ LAUNCH→ TRANSACT→ CONTROL → NETWORK your business.

We have:

  • prepared tools and references to plan out the business, 
  • enabled easy and efficient company formation and bank account opening, 
  • developed a full set of mechanisms for the business to pay and get paid, including customisable professional invoices that automatically remind customers,
  • plan to develop an intelligent dashboard with cash forecasting, enabling the owner to always stay in control, and lastly:
  • we have exciting ideas to facilitate networking and matchmaking between our users as we scale up our community


GoSolo is already live in the UK and is authorised by the FCA.



We expect a wave of new startups after COVID-19. There will be more of them because of push (COVID-19 redundancies) & pull (lifestyle changes, startups are popular, and the government provides a lot of support). While competition fights for the 1% who started the business, we will focus on winning over the rest of the 63% to enable their launch and facilitate their success. We want to arm/help as many of you to launch your new venture and facilitate your success.

We have identified several target niches that we understand best and plan to spend the next months exploring how to work with them. We are all entrepreneurs, so we know the pains, the opportunities, and the areas to focus on. We also plan to leverage our technology advantage to support community building and matchmaking inside our app.

We are currently recruiting a cohort of free users to validate the app and ensure we understand your requirements. Going forward, we plan to grow together and expand our proposition, maintaining our vision as the most comprehensive and helpful business bank account on the market.


Register a new limited company in 10 minutes.
Already Ltd? Manage your business account + admin in one app.
GoSolo certificate

July 27, 2024
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By GoSolo Better Business Account